so im laying in bed next to whit, and we cant stop laughing about last night:
i wake up to ben calling me this morning, i had made plans to go to ascot for horseraces (whoops). i open my eyes and think im in china seeing all these flags around. after some serious thought i realized i was in max's room and that i was super late to go meet ben. shoot. then i though 'oh goodness where the heck is whitney?' i get up grab my things and run up to my room, only to realize i have no key?? i bang on my door for about ten minutes (serious banging/loud pounding). no one responds. i go back to max's and try wrap my head around where whit is. he tells me to try dan's. so i go there. no answer. go back upstairs to mine and bang a bit more. no one, no where. i go to the lobby finally and tell them im locked out and they let me in. and there is whit in my bed asleep with my key. so now for what lead to this last night:
whit and dan come to kings cross.
take back the streets is peddling through. hundreds of people on bikes with loud music. it was intense.
we get some booze. drink in my room. little smash decides to join us.
ashley talks to someone she works with about going out in oxford circus.
we make moves to venture out there and hang out.
kate is gonna meet up with us.
ashley, dan, whit and i head to the tube.
we get off at the street we hear the place we are going to is.
dan goes to get katie
we cant find the place.
and katie and dan are trying to find us.
it was dysfunctional.
so after a lot of walking around and realizing that the pubs are closing.
we meet up with the littlest man ever, ashleys friend from work.
long hope seems like the right choice.
we hop on the tube. and head straight to long hope.
the sign on the door says 'strictly 25 and over'
we go in anyway.
kate needed shots.
after about three shots of jameson and a few phone calls long hope is hoppin.
dance parties and all.
i wake up in the morning...thinking im in ben calling and yelling at me bc im late to his.
i have no clue where whitney is or my room key.
the end of one story and the beginning of another great day...